Category: Home Selling


Articles About Category: Home Selling

Value Add Real Estate 101: Inside Secrets Plus Enhancing Profits

Value add in real estate means finding ways to make a property more valuable. This can include things like renovating, improving operations, or changing how the property is used. By adding value, investors can make more money from their properties.  Are you an investor? Do you want to make more

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Best & Worst Times To Sell A House In Denver CO

Best Time And Worst Time To Sell Your House In Denver Colorado Hey there, Colorado home seller! Ready for a real estate season adventure? Got your compass calibrated and hiking boots on? Great, let’s hit this trail and discover the busiest real estate months in the Centennial State.  If you

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health visitor talking to a senior woman during home visit

Can a Person With Dementia Sell Their House?

When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, such as a husband, parent, or grandparent, you’ll face difficult decisions and changes. Extra care and assistance must be provided to ensure utilities won’t be turned off and mortgage payments are made so the house doesn’t go into foreclosure.  It’s essential to become

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Can You Sell A House in Probate In Colorado?

Can I Sell A House While It Is Still In Probate In Colorado? Hey there! Welcome to our super-helpful guide to selling a house successfully while it’s still in probate, especially if you’re in Colorado. Because probate is a legal process there is a lot of jargon.  Guide to Selling

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medicaid eligibility

How Will Medicaid Know If I Sell My House?

Medicaid can tell whether you sell your house during your Medicaid coverage or five years before applying for the health care program. When assessing your Medicaid application for eligibility, there is a 5-year lookback period, whereby they check your financial records to establish that you cannot pay for your health

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Can You Turn Off Utilities On A Squatter In Colorado?

Can You Turn Off Utilities On A Squatter? Picture this. You need to get rid of a house fast but squatters moved in. They moved in and they love it! WHY? Because you left the utilities on. The squatter has free access to hot and cold water. Light and heat.

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condemned home
Real Estate Definitions

What Is Condemnation in Real Estate?

Condemnation is a legal process through which private property is acquired by the government or a private entity. Let’s keep defining the meaning of this real estate term: Typically, it is done for two main reasons: eminent domain or to enforce safety and local codes. Condemnation can be permanent or

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smoke and carbon monoxide detector installation

Can You Sell a House Without Smoke Detectors In Colorado?

A significant number of houses don’t have smoke detectors, not because the owners have a particular aversion to safety, but rather because it was not a thing back when the house was built or bought from the previous owner. With technological advancements and improved public safety awareness, fire alarms are

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